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St Michael's Primary School, Finnis

Book Week NI

14th Nov 2024

Book Week NI takes place from 21st – 25th October.  This is an event run by Libraries NI and our pupils started events with an assembly celebrating some wonderful poems written by our P4 and P5 pupils, before exploring a wordless picture book called Journey. 

The boys and girls in P6/7 and P4/5 were lucky enough to get to visit Dromore Library and to take home books from the library that they had chosen themselves!  We had another newsletter all about how “We Love Literacy” with crosswords and polygons and puzzles, which proved another big hit and our pupils received a few prizes for this too! Also during Book Week, primary 4-7 had the opportunity to peer read with the boys and girls in the younger classes.  All children enjoyed this experience.